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VVI MCQs Practice Set - 4 : Collection of Past MCQs of BSc Ag/Hrt, IAAS, TU

These Questions are Real Questions of BSc Ag/BVSc & AH, AFU. Practice it and Try to solve these all. Best of Luck. Solutions are available below after questions.

We will be uploading like these sets daily nowadays and they will be memory based questions of various exams of past year. So don't miss any sets. Also you can attend our Past Sets like this anytime, link for past sets is also available below.


1. I am fed up with his behavior at school. Here ‘fed up with’ denotes
a. noticeable 
b. underestimate 
c. neglectful 
d. bored with

2. The businessman deals ………… foreign goods.
a. with 
b. in 
c. from 
d. for

3.He crossed ………… Pacific Ocean by plane.
a. a 
b. an 
c. the 
d. None

4. She needed to have the money transferred ………… ?
a. need she 
b. did she 
c. doesn’t she 
d. didn’t she

5. The remedy for all disease is
a. Panacea 
b. allopathic 
c. homeopathy 
d. drugs

6. The men postponed ………………… the meeting.
a. to attend 
b. attended 
c. attending 
d. attend

7. I, together with my family members ……………… going to the party.
a. is 
c. are 
d. have

8. Capillarity is
a. property of liquid by virtue of which it produces dragging force
b. the phenomenon of rising or falling of liquid through a tube
c. property of liquid by virtue of which it produces cohesive force
d. property of liquid by virtue of which it produces adhesive force

9. Value of acceleration due to gravity of earth is maximum :
a. At centre of earth

b. At surface of earth
c. At a height of 50 km from earths surface
d. At a height of 12 km from earths surface

10. A copper wire of resistance R is cut in to ten parts of equal length. Two pieces each are joined in series and then five such combinations are joined in parallel. The new combination will have a resistance
a. R
b. 4R​
c. 5R​
d. 25R​

11. The image of an object is formed by a convex lens. When that object is placed beyond the focal length is -
a. Virtual and inverted
b. Virtual and magnified
c. Real and inverted
d. Real and magnified

12. A photon is a/an
a. Quantum of light
b. Quantum of matter
c. Positively charged particle
d. Instrument for measuring light intensity

13. The focal length of a convex lens is 10cm and its refractive index is 1.5. If radius of one surface is 7.5cm, the radius of curvature of the second surface will be
a. 7.5cm
b. 15cm
c. 75cm
d. 5cm

14. Number of flagella in Giardia is
a. 2
b. 4
c. 8
d. Numerous

15. Cockroach is
a. Nocturnal and omnivorous
b. Diurnal and omnivorous
c. Nocturnal and carnivorous
d. None of the above

16. Sinus venosus of Frog is formed by the union of
a. Two precavals and two post cavals
b. One precaval and two post cavals
c. One precaval and one post caval
d. Two precavals and one post caval

17. Universal character of insect is
a. One pair of wing
b. Compound eyes
c. Three pair of legs
d. Exoskeleton

18. Egg laying mammals are found in
a. Nepal
b. South Africa
c. Africa
d. Australia

19. Nucleolus is formed by
a. Mitochondria
b. Nucleus and ribosome
c. Primary constriction
d. Secondary constriction

20. Yeast is important source of
a. Proteins
b. Riboflavin
c. Vitamin C
d. Sugars

21. Basal placentation occurs in
a. Brassicaceae
b. Asteraceae
c. Liliaceae
d. Both Poaceae and Asteraceae

22. The plants and animals living in a given area form
a. Biological community
b. Ecotone
c. Biome
d. Consociation

23. Which of the following is an ionic compound?
a. CaC2​
b. NaH
c. BeCl2​
d. BF3​

24. BOD is a measure of
a. Industrial wastes passed into water bodies
b. amount of carbon monoxide combined with hemoglobin
c. extent of pollution with organic matter
d. amount of oxygen required by plants during night.

25. What are the water molecules attached to Epsom salt called?
a. Water of evaporation
b. Water of condensation
c. Water of hydration
d. None of these

26. Find the value of p for which the numbers 2p-1, 3p+1, 11 are in AP.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 6

27. If y=x−x^2, then the derivative of y^2 w.r.t. x^2 is
a. 2x^2 + 3x − 1
b. 2x^2 − 3x + 1
c. 2x^2 + 3x + 1
d. None of these

28. General cropping sequence practiced in Nepal is
a. Rice-Wheat-Maize 
b. Rice-Maize-Wheat
c. Wheat-Rice-Maize 
d. Maize-Wheat-Rice

29. The number of triangles that can be formed by 5 points in a line and 3 points on a parallel line is?
a. 8C3
b. 8C3 – 5C3
c. 8C3 – 5C3 – 1
d. None of these  









8. B
Property of liquid by virtue of which it produces dragging force is viscosity, Rising or falling of liquid in a tube is capillarity. Liquid tends to occupy minimum surface area.
Capillarity is a physical phenomenon in which liquids flow without the help of gravity. Liquid even rise to a height against gravity, through narrow tubes. Capillary action is due to the phenomenon of surface tension of liquid as well as adhesive forces between liquid molecules and molecules of the narrow tube.
The rise and fall of liquid in a capillary tube is called capillarity.
Some applications of capillarity are:
a. Towels soak water on account of capillarity.
b. Oil rises in the long narrow spaces between the threads of the wick as they act as a capillary.

9. B
Acceleration due to gravity at a height h above the surface g′ = g (1 − 2h/R)
This suggest that acceleration due to gravity decreases as we go up higher above the earth surface.
At the surface, we have h=0
Thus acceleration due to gravity at the surface g′=g (maximum).
Also acceleration due to gravity is zero at the centre of earth.
Thus acceleration due to gravity is maximum at the earth's surface.

10. D
Resistance of metallic wire: R
When cut into 10 equal parts, each part will have resistance = R / 10​
When two pieces are joined in series, then R′ = R/10 + R/10 = R/5
Now each such combinations are joined in parallel then
1/R′′ = 1 / (R/5) ​+  1 / (R/5) + 1 / (R/5) + 1 / (R/5) + 1 / (R/5) =  5 / (R/5) = 25 / R
⇒R′′ = R / 25 ​Ω

11. C
When an object is placed beyond the centre of curvature then a ray of light AO which is parallel to the principal axis, pass through the focus F along the direction OF after refraction. While the other ray AC pass through the optical centre C and goes straight without any deviation according to the rule (2). These two refracted light rays intersect each other at point A’, between the focus F and centre of curvature 2F on the other side of the lens. In this way, a diminished, real and inverted image A’B’ is formed.

12. A
A particle representing a quantum of light or other electromagnetic radiation. A photon carries energy proportional to the radiation frequency but has zero rest mass.

13. B

14. C
Giardia is a parasite responsible for the diarrheal disease known as giardiasis. In it, four pair means 8 flagella which are arranged as four lateral, two ventral, and two caudal. The organism which is composed of 11 microtubules including two core microtubules.
Giardia is a genus of anaerobic flagellated protozoan parasites of the phylum metamonada that colonise and reproduce in the small intestines of several vertebrates, causing giardiasis. Their life cycle alternates between a swimming trophozoite and an infective, resistant cyst.

15. A
Cockroaches are mainly nocturnal and will run away when exposed to light.
Also, cockroaches are omnivorous, with the exception of the wood-eating species such as Cryptocercus.
As an arthropod, the body of a cockroach is divisible into three distinct regions. They are the head, thorax, and abdomen. There is a hard exoskeleton that is brown n color, made of chitin. The hardened plates of the exoskeleton are called the sclerites. A cockroach is a dioecious animal, with separate male and female sexes. The male species are longer in length while the females are slightly smaller than the males.
The head of the cockroach has a distinct triangular shape. It is formed by the fusion of six segments. The head shows great mobility due to the presence of a flexible neck. A pair of compound eyes is present on the head. In front of the eyes, membranous sockets are present, out of which two antennae protrude out.
The antennae monitor the surrounding environment with the help of the sensory receptors. The head also has appendages that bear similarity to the mouthparts, such as labrum, a pair of mandibles, a pair of maxillae and a labium. There is also flexible lobe called the hypopharynx that acts as a tongue.
The thorax is further divided into prothorax, mesothorax, and metathorax. Each segment of the thorax has a pair of walking legs. The first pair of wings called the tegmina comes out from the mesothorax and the second pair comes out from the metathorax. The tegmina are dark and cover the hind wings, which are membranous, transparent and used in flight.
The abdomen is made up of 10 segments. The 7th, 8th and 9th sterna form a genital pouch in females. In males, the genital pouch is present at the hind end of the abdomen. The male cockroach has thread-like anal styles, which are missing in the female cockroach. The 10th segment has a filamentous structure called the anal cerci, in both male and female cockroach.

16. D
Sinus venosus is a triangular chamber attached dorsally to heart formed by the union of three main vena cava. They are the two precavals and one post caval.

17. C
Insects are arthropods having compound eyes and three pairs of legs. Arthropoda is the largest phylum. Animals belonging to this phylum consists exoskeleton segmented body with jointed legs and compound eyes. 
All the animals of class Insecta have 3 pairs of jointed legs.

18. D
Egg laying mammals are primitive mammals which lay eggs like reptiles and belongs to the Monotreme. These animals are restricted to Australian region.

19. D
The nucleolus is formed by the secondary constriction. The nucleolus is the largest structure present in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells where it primarily serves as the site of ribosome synthesis and assembly. Nucleoli also have other important functions like the assembly of signal recognition particles and playing a role in the cell's response to stress. Nucleoli are made of proteins and RNA and form around specific chromosomal regions.

20. B
Yeast from brewing industry is harvested and used as a food It is rich in protein and vitamin-B (Riboflavin).

21. D
Placentation refers to the formation, type and structure or arrangement of the placenta. It is the attachment of ovules inside the ovary. Basal placentation is found in monocarpellary to a multicarpellary, syncarpous ovary, usually, a single ovule is attached at the base. In Asteraceae, the ovary is bicarpellary syncarpous ovary with single ovule and basal placentation is seen. In Poaceae, the ovary is monocarpellary, superior ovary with single ovule and basal placentation is seen.

22. D
Biological community is the assemblage of interdependent and interacting populations of different species present in an area.

23. B
An ionic compound is composed of cation and anion and by the electrostatic force of attraction. But after formation, cation attracts the electron pair towards itself and cause some deformation of electron density of anion.
Above all if the ionic character predominates over covalent character, then we call it ionic.
NaH consists of Na+ cations and H− anions. The bond is purely ionic and the compound is ionic.

24. C
BOD or Biochemical Oxygen Demand measures the degree of impurity of a water body or sample due to organic matter. BOD is the amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic microbes to breakdown the organic matter present in the water body.
So, the correct answer is extend of pollution with organic matter.

25. C
The seven molecules of water attached to MgSO4​.7H2​O are known as water of hydration. By definition, it is the amount of water attached to a compound to form a hydrate. Epsom salt is also known as Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate.

26. B
If the numbers a, b and c are in AP, then
The given three numbers (2p-1),(3p+1) and 11 are in AP.

27. B

28. A

29. C
We have total of 8 points here. The number of points we need to make a triangle is 3. We can select 3 non-collinear points out of 8 points in 8C3 way. We can deduct the collinear points in 5C3 ways
Therefore, the number of triangles formed out of 8 points removing the possibility of selecting collinear points = 8C3 – 5C3 – 1

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